Love your dog? Then beware of Woofers World

First things first – this is MY experience. You may very well have fabulous experiences with Woofers World but guess what – my blog so I am entitled to say what happened to ME. If you want to argue, go do it on your own blog.

Today Bubbles was found roaming the roads near my home. To say my heart stopped when I found out was an understatement. I think i literally died for a good 4 seconds. 

Bubbles was out on the roads because the dog handler at WOOFERS WORLD lost him. This is what happened.

4.15ish – I get a message from T to call him back – and thats when he tells me our neighbour had called him advising she found bubbles roaming the road near home. He tells me that he called Woofers world and had explicitly told them to let me know what happened. Note that at this point, no one from Woofers World had called me OR him. Our neighbour called us at 3:30pm

4.30ish – I finally get through to Woofers World where a condescending and totally unsympathetic girl proceeds to say the following in bits:

  • “OH we were getting around to calling you but I guess your husband beat us to it” (her tone? WHATS THE BIG DEAL).
  • “Bubbles took himself…herself.. himself… or is it a boy or girl? home… and you can imagine how stressed our handler was” *sure, my dogs 
  • “So i HAVE to apologise to you” (WTF.. you HAVE TO? that’s probably the very least you can do?!)

So as you can imagine. I let rip. ALSO, she was extremely defensive and kept speaking over me?! EXCUSE ME... your establishment LOSES my dog, YOU DO NOT CALL ME, YOU SPEAK OVER ME, YOU IMPLY THAT MY DOG IS AT FAULT and I’m supposed to feel bad for your handler!? I PAY YOU FOR A SERVICE THAT YOU NOT ONLY NOT DO BUT COMPLETELY SCREW UP AND I’M SOMEHOW SUPPOSED TO BE APOLOGETIC? 

4.40ish – I get 2 missed calls. I call back. Jonathan – the owner I assume, proceeds to YELL down the barrel of the phone OVER me, screaming that he wants nothing to do with us and bla bla bla. Can’t hear him coz hes screaming too loud anyways. 

Erm. Point of information dude. I cancelled your service THIS MORNING because I’d found a better alternative…. My kids are still rowdy and restless when I get home and when i brought them elsewhere, they slept like babies and even came home with paw painting!

  1. Your website advises that this service comes with poop scooping of the yard. | LIES. DOES NOT POOP SCOOP. I called the first day and asked why this wasn’t done when it was all over their website and in their brochures and got told, in a very short manner, that this would ONLY be done IF the handler had time/saw the poop/went near the yard/went round to the back to get the dogs OR IF I WANTED TO PAY EXTRA? wtf?! false advertising much.. no worries, i have raised a complaint with ACCC. I was also NOT TOLD this information during our initial meet and greet to sign up.
  2. Filling the bowl with fresh water. | LIED. DID NOT FILL THE BOWL WITH WATER and only started doing it after I called and complained. I was home the first week they started… Tuesday 17 July, and noticed the water bowl was EMPTY, dry as a bone if you will. 

My experience with WOOFERS WORLD has left alot to be desired but the the worst bit is this – Bubbles could have been run over by a car today  and iand they never even bothered contacting us to tell us! We are so blessed to have kind neighbours and thank god for this lesson because

  1. we can now warn others
  2. we will never use them again
  3. we will have CCTV around the house in case this vengeful company comes to the house to create trouble
  4. my babies will be safe 

**They have a business because there are crazy dog lovers like me out there who need their help… yet they see fit to imply to a crazy dog lover that their dogs safety and wellbeing is.. well.. not a biggie to them… 

So here’s a thought – if you love your dog, don’t risk their safety by leaving them with Woofers World. Things may go well and ok great but when things don’t, you won’t even hear from them and when you do, it’s them SCREAMING to tell you how it’s not their fault and that you signed ‘terms and conditions‘.

You have been warned. 

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